2 minutes
performed by: jb-williams
!! Run at Own Risk !!
- No issues have come from my use of these but that doesn’t mean there won’t be
I enjoy making/finding the most minimal gui and still be functional as a daily-driver(functional specifically to my needs). I tend to prefer cwm, a simple window manager, and sxhkd, used as a hot-key daemon, and I test my setup on several different laptops of different specs.
I have major issues getting all my “Fn”+ F1-12 keys to work properly across all my devices and just can’t seem to wrap my head around any explanation I’ve come across(very likely just me). So, I put together these series of scripts and a systemd service file to specifically give both easy terminal control of your screen brightness as well as easily assigning hot-keys with sxhkd.
Copy these somewhere in your PATH:
- brcur - current brightness
- brwn - brightness down
- brup - brightness up
- brmx - set brightness to max
- brightxf - main script
As sudo(root), make a directory /etc/startup and copy brightness_mod.sh there.
sudo mkdir -p /etc/startup && sudo cp /path/to/brightness_mod.sh /etc/startup
- Also as sudo(root), and copy brightness_mod.service to /etc/systemd/system/ .
sudo cp /path/to/brightness_mod.service /etc/systemd/system/
- Then run:
sudo systemctl enable brightness_mod.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- I also believe, with how I’ve set it up, it needs a reboot.
Then the commands are:
written and performed by jb-williams - github